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 Roleplay Rules and Guidelines

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Posts : 102
Join date : 2009-08-17
Age : 27
Location : Mostly Moderating the Pack Site, or hovering aorund WQ Forums

Roleplay Rules and Guidelines Empty
PostSubject: Roleplay Rules and Guidelines   Roleplay Rules and Guidelines I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 5:36 pm

Just a few pointers on the role-play.

*Don't make up wolves to RP with; for example, on the borders, don't have a strange wolf in the territory fight with you.

* Don't go overboard with the role-play; this isn't short stories, it's something short. For example-
"Hey, Alkara!" Rilak bounded up to her friend, her tail wagging. "What're you doing?"

* You MUST make a role-play character bio/ref before you can role-play.

*If you roleplay, make it with another player. I don't want anyone doing anything by themselves that includes spoken language. One, it doesn't work, and two, the other person rarely replies.
*NO SMILEHZ. I don't care how fun Afro Dude is, he wasn't made to role-play with.

Overall, just have fun and play nice. =)
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