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 Pack Posting Guidelines

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Posts : 102
Join date : 2009-08-17
Age : 27
Location : Mostly Moderating the Pack Site, or hovering aorund WQ Forums

Pack Posting Guidelines Empty
PostSubject: Pack Posting Guidelines   Pack Posting Guidelines I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 4:08 pm

Welcome to the Pack, and thanks for joining! Before you start to post, here are some guidelines (Quoted from WolfQuest) that you need to follow when posting.

Quote :
What is allowed:
•Posting appropriate comments/questions in relevant forums
•Posting opinions in a nice and respectful manner
•Posting new topics in relevant forums with an appropriate, descriptive title
•Reporting inappropriate posts, games, or messages
•Roleplaying in the multiplayer games if it is appropriate and emphasizes real (not fantasy) wolf behaviors
•Editing or deleting your own posts (in fact, it's encouraged!)

What is not allowed:
•Posts that include or attempt to include disrespectful/vulgar language, abusive behavior, pornographic materials, or posts unrelated to the topic
•Roleplaying in the forums (i.e.- posting as if you were a wolf or someone/thing other than whom you really are)
•References to religion, politics, sex, violence, or other inappropriate or illegal behavior
•Plagiarism/art theft (posting material that is not your own without direct reference and credit to the original author/artist)
•SPAM (definition below)
•“Backseat moderators” (non-moderators responding to posts as if they were moderators)
•Posting new threads that are similar to other threads- please use the search feature and look at the last few pages of topics in a forum before posting a new topic
•Posts created for attention/pity or complaining about why your topic has been locked/trashed
•Posting links or images of yourself or other members
•Attempting to go around a warning or ban by creating a new account

Definition of SPAM
SPAM= Stupid, Pointless, Annoying Messages. Listed below are our definitions of "SPAM":
•Off-topic posts- any post that is either irrelevant to the forum or topic
•Intentional post-count-raising- replying to questions that have already been answered and repeating the answer, or just posting nonsense that has nothing to do with that forum or discussion.
•One-word replies- actually, this includes any posts with three words or less. If you can reply with three words or less, it's probably not worth saying.
•Personal topics- anything not directed to all forum members (unless it’s in a pack topic) should be sent using private messages or e-mails.
•Offers for solicitations/services
•Double-posting- please edit previous posts instead of posting more than once.
•Non-normal writing- Text speak (ex- btw I g2g), SHOUTING, or using excessive numbers of: smileys, font colors, or punctuation (ex- !!??!??!?!) may all be considered SPAM

Posts/topics may be moved, edited, or deleted by moderators or administrators if they are inappropriate or belong in another thread. Moderators and administrators, not users, determine what is considered to be inappropriate, vulgar, or SPAM. Users not following these guidelines may receive a warning, lose privileges, or be banned from the forum.

If, after reading these guidelines, you have a problem with a user (including moderators), or do not understand why your topic/post was locked or deleted, you are welcome to contact a moderator or administrator in a respectful manner. Arguing with moderators or administrators, especially after receiving a warning, will not be tolerated and may lead to an immediate ban.

Above all, respect the administrators, moderators, and all other members of this forum. Thank you for your cooperation!
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