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 Pack Forum Moderators

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2 posters

Posts : 102
Join date : 2009-08-17
Age : 27
Location : Mostly Moderating the Pack Site, or hovering aorund WQ Forums

Pack Forum Moderators Empty
PostSubject: Pack Forum Moderators   Pack Forum Moderators I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 12:48 pm

We will be accepting 2 new Pack Moderators on the Forum. The PBC (Pack Boss Committee) will overview all of the applicants and then choose who will be the next 2 Moderators. Please fill out this form and PM it to Rilak (Alpha Female). Note that no one will have access to your personal information other than the PBC-

Age Group-
Country/Time Zone (either or, not both)-

Please tell us what you would do in these situations-

1. You lock a topic and someone keeps complaining to you via PM or e-mail.
2. A user is being cyber-bullied by another user and tells you.
3. Two members are fighting publicy on the Forums.
4. Someones asks a question about the Pack that you can't answer.
5. You see role-play with inappropriate behavior.
6. A forum member has taken something that is not there own (i.e. an avatar, story, video, or other piece of art) and used it here without copyrighting it.

Please answer these questions about the Pack/Forum-

1. What is your favorite thing about the Pack?
2. What is your least favorite thing about the Pack?
3. How often d oyou go on these Forums?
4. Name 1-3 Forums here on the Pack Website that you would like to Moderate.
5. What are 1-3 things you would change here on the forums?
6. How often do you check your e-mail?
7. Have you had any previous experiences as a Moderator? If so, how well would ou rate yourself? (1-10)

Moderator Expectations-

  • Be kind and considerate to everyone on the forums.
  • Aren't afraid to ask for help or do things on their own.
  • Are positive and friendly on the forums.
  • Will not let friendships get in their way of locking/deleting a topic.
  • Act responsibly and communicate with the other Admins and Moderators in a respectful, appropriate manner.
Moderator Benefits-

  • Access to the PBC Discussions Forum.
  • Ability to lock/move/delete topics.
  • Might be given hints of surprises in the Pack (i.e. parties, new PMoTMs, etc.)
  • Rank appears in profile.
Moderator Disadvantages-

  • Lowers chances (if given chances at all) to become PMoTM
  • Lowers chances (if given chances at all) to earn prizes/points in the Pack.
  • Has more responsibility in the Pack.
Once you have filled this out, please PM it to Rilak by September 30th. We will announce the new Moderators sometime in October. Thank you!
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Posts : 95
Join date : 2009-08-21
Age : 25
Location : Somewhere...Beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me...

Pack Forum Moderators Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pack Forum Moderators   Pack Forum Moderators I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 04, 2009 3:27 pm

Thank you so much for adding me as a moderator! I just wanted to reply in this topic rather than making a whole new one. I'll make an announcement about the new mods.
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