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 The Topic of Randomness (OTT)

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Posts : 95
Join date : 2009-08-21
Age : 25
Location : Somewhere...Beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me...

The Topic of Randomness (OTT) - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Topic of Randomness (OTT)   The Topic of Randomness (OTT) - Page 4 I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 3:21 pm

I have absolutely no idea. She was very quiet most of the time and if you picked her up and put her somewhere she'd just sit there and stare at you. She was probably ill when we got her. At least she didn't infect her siblings. The strange thing is, when they took her and her brothers to the vet he/she said that they were fine. But there are low quality vets were I live, though, so it's not surprising the vet might have missed out something. The boys are growing faster each day, and they're loved a lot.

HOWEVER, I did see a cat who could replace Patches... When I was walking down the street to get to a crowded place to catch a taxi so I can go training, I noticed a tortoiseshell cat sitting on top of a bin... most tortoise shells are female, it's very rare for there to be a male tortoiseshell. She looked beautiful and elegant, but I'd monitor the cat in case she has kittens or something like that.
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