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 Meet Esther - a highly misunderstood wolf

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Posts : 95
Join date : 2009-08-21
Age : 25
Location : Somewhere...Beyond the sea, somewhere waiting for me...

Meet Esther - a highly misunderstood wolf Empty
PostSubject: Meet Esther - a highly misunderstood wolf   Meet Esther - a highly misunderstood wolf I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 23, 2009 1:58 pm

Name: Esther
Gender: Female
Age: 1 year and a half
Looks: A pretty black female wolf with a slightly bluish tint. Recent bite wounds on her legs and hindquarters which are still healing, and bear claw marks on her side.
What's good about her personality: She is calm, quiet and likes to socialize. She is very cautious and wary around strangers, but when you get to know her, that exterior melts away to reveal a heart of gold. She has a high sense of self-control, and doesn't get offended easily. She can sort out arguments pretty easily. Esther is very sweet and never means to hurt anyone, though that his often misunderstood and thought that, by her timidness and cautiousness, to be an aggressive, dominant but cowardly wolf looking for trouble.
What's bad about her personality: Esther is timid, and doesn't trust very easily. She often panics whenever she feels threatened.
Fatal Flaw: Esther isn't the best fighter you'd meet, and is somewhat malnourished and missing nutrients, but after she joined the LFP she's starting to recover those missing nutrients:
Build: Very fast wolf, she can keep it up for a couple of minutes, but is the last wolf you'd say is muscular. Definitely more of a hunter than a fighter.
History: Being born to a greedy, intolerant pack, she learned to control her temper and because of being picked on for being the weakest pup and the runt, she's very tolerant and doesn't get offended easily. Esther's pack were disappointed of her having such a light build, for they always wanted to take over the territory of another bordering pack's territory. Yet when a fire ravaged across her territory, she was blamed as being bad luck, and finally after spending her whole life being silent and ignoring her pack comments, she exploded with offending words and bit her parents, the dominant male and female. Because of this sudden exposure of anger, the alphas thought she would cause trouble in the pack and drove her out so that she wouldn't fight over her mother's rank of dominant female. While being chased out, she was harshly bitten on her hind leg, which causes her to limp. It is healing though, and getting better.

EDIT: GAH, I filled out the wrong form! I just realized that after I finished it, and i'm too lazy to change it Wink Rolling Eyes
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Posts : 51
Join date : 2009-08-21
Location : Online, probably.

Meet Esther - a highly misunderstood wolf Empty
PostSubject: Re: Meet Esther - a highly misunderstood wolf   Meet Esther - a highly misunderstood wolf I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 10:06 am

Hahaha. Well, we know more about your wolf anyway ^_^
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Meet Esther - a highly misunderstood wolf
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