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 It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa)

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Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-08-21
Age : 29
Location : Caaaaaaaaaandylaaaaaand

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PostSubject: It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa)   It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa) I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 22, 2009 8:05 pm

Well, obviously I'm a girl -.- I tend to have a short attention span, because I get distracted easily. And that attention span matches my temper. So, don't be surprised if I just blow up for no reason. Hmm.... I'm fluent in a few languages, though I don't talk in them very much, cuz no one understands me o-o
I've been "labeled" as a: Punk/Goth person, though I do agree, seriously....

Anyways, I love to read, write, type, and draw. I hope to one day be a writer, my main focus is, supernatural, problem filled, high school story, and somehow I ALWAYS incorporate wolves! And seeing as how I can do that, it's kinda obvious that I love wolves, along with tigers, house cats, Gir o-o, birds, and dragons. I absolutely suck at drawing the anatomy of anything correctly, though I am trying to fix that. And as you may have noticed, I like jumping around at what I like, plan to do, favorites, and other things, and don't ask why because it's the only way I know how to o-O

My favorite colors (in order) are: Black, Grey, White, Red, Purple,Blue, Green, and Orange! I absolutely HATE Pink, so don't even mention it. Um, my music genre is: Rock, Metal, and little Pop. I don't particularly like Country or Classical music. Avenged Sevenfold, Green Day, and My Chemical Romance are my favorite bands!

Eh, I have one dog named Mushu he's a Shih Tzu, two cats: Sneaker, an old bat of a White (flare?) Persian, and a black Torti named Gidget. We also have fish, one of which being a Tiger Barb, I also have my own fish, he's a Betta Fish named Rainbow XD

I go by a lot of names, but mainly Fallyn, cuz I'm always falling and tripping >w< As long as I've remembered, there have only been 3 friends that have stuck with me through all the, em, "Popular People". And even though I don't look like it, I'm actually a really nice, random freak X3 And also, I have this thing with grammer O-o And a very odd strange freaky OBSSESSION with jellyfish, so f you wanna be mah best friend, just gimme one XD I'm also very different from your every day girl, my hair is ALWAYS dyed some funky color, whether it's green, red, purple, or even blue!I just love being different from the other people, And since I'm so different from everyone, don't be surprised if I tackle you off a cliff and shout "SKY DIVING LESSONS!!!!" cuz it's normal o-o

Sorry for having to put you through all that reading ._.
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Posts : 120
Join date : 2009-08-22
Age : 30
Location : Canada, where the Epic moose live!

It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa) Empty
PostSubject: Re: It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa)   It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 23, 2009 3:14 pm

haha very nice to meet you and get to know you better, yeah you can classify me as a popular person but don't worry i do not act it on here. I am not stuck up or anything so yeah, points for that.
Orange is one of my favorite colors as well!
haha you sounds like a fun person, kinda like the way i am so i think that we will get along just fine.
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Posts : 102
Join date : 2009-08-17
Age : 27
Location : Mostly Moderating the Pack Site, or hovering aorund WQ Forums

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PostSubject: Re: It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa)   It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 23, 2009 7:14 pm

I wouldn't label myself 'popular' either- but what I WOULD is seriously long xD I give people at my school kinda 'mixed signals' of what I'm going to come out as. But you sound like me, minus the gothic and skydiving part. But watch your back on cliffs from NOW ON. xD
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PostSubject: Re: It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa)   It be Tylaaaaaaaa (with the extra aaaaaaa) I_icon_minitime

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