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 Never fear, RILAK is here!

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2 posters

Posts : 102
Join date : 2009-08-17
Age : 27
Location : Mostly Moderating the Pack Site, or hovering aorund WQ Forums

Never fear, RILAK is here! Empty
PostSubject: Never fear, RILAK is here!   Never fear, RILAK is here! I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 22, 2009 2:34 pm

Hey hey hey peoples!!

Well, I can't tell you much about my life due to parents, but I'm in the age group of 10-15, and I simply DETEST my middle name. Current games that I play are Howrse, WolfQuest, and figuring out how to make the boat in Sims2 DS Castaway. It's seriously killing me.

I've got 2 dogs- Belle, a Springer Spaniel, and Lucy, a Lhasa Apso (they're from Tibet!). I live in the US, have a mixed-up accent, since I'm English, Italian, a bit of German, and Irish, as well as Southern Suburb American. So yeah.

I've got a phone, but it's worthless since I can't text or buy anything (again, due to parents XP). I'm pretty popular at school and have a few secret crushes that I'd never tell on my life.

I've got short, naturally curly, dark blondish hair. I get people to straighten it, though, as it looks better that way. I'm incredibly short, not yet 5 feet tall, and according to Wii Fit, 20 pounds underweight. xD I'm trying to keep it that way.

My favorite animals are wolves, dogs, horses, wild cats, and anything herdivorous under 6 months old. Girl attractions.

My favorite hobbies are drawing, riding horseback whenever possible, reading, swimming, and writing. I plan on making writing a good pastime when I'm older, hopefully selling a few for money. My favorite books are Artemis Fowl and Warriors.

If I haven't written enough, sue me. =D

Oh yeah- I like earthy colours, although bright yellow, orange, and pruples don't tend to be on my fave list.
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Posts : 120
Join date : 2009-08-22
Age : 30
Location : Canada, where the Epic moose live!

Never fear, RILAK is here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Never fear, RILAK is here!   Never fear, RILAK is here! I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 22, 2009 2:41 pm

Hey, nice to get to know you more ^_^
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