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 Storm Alarm

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Location : Canada, where the Epic moose live!

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PostSubject: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 04, 2009 9:13 pm

This is a story that I have on WQ, I thought that i would just post it here and maybe it will make me want to write more to it xD
Hope that you all like it and i hope that i am a decent writer. ^^

Chapter one: The scent

A dark spruce forest Crowed on ether side of the frozen path. The trees had been stripped bare by a recent ice cold wind, replacing their leaves with icicles of frost, they seemed to lean towards each other for support. White and ominous, in the fading light. A silence ruled over the land like the blanket of snow that rested upon it. The land itself was lifeless, with out any movement, so cold and forbidding. It was the wild,the savage,frozen, yellow stone wild.

But there was life ! Down the frozen path ran effortlessly a pack of wolves. Their heavy coats were covered in frost much like the trees,their breath froze in the air as it left their open mouths. But yet they ran on in silence seeking what they all yearned, food.

Though the pack was small you could see that all were strong and powerful. Their muscles moved like iron under their skin, tough and bulging. At the head of the pack ran a large and beautiful she-wolf, her pelt was the colour of the now night filled with its black darkness. But she was not alone in this task of leading for along side her ran another, a male. He was a very large wolf as well but he was larger than she by far, but another difference between the two was the color of his pelt, he was a white wolf, just like the snow that they prodded through.

But alas there was another !A young male barely passed his second year in this world ran close behind the she-wolf, he was of a brown dirt like color with specks of black in white through out his figure. He had this certain gleam in his eyes, and from the way he acted you could tell that he loved the she-wolf. He would rarely leave the she-wolf alone, he always tried to find a way to express his love to her by slowly running up beside her and nuzzling her as they ran but this was always answered by a growl and a swipe of her hostel teeth across his nose, where upon he would cower back his place behind her.

The she-wolf normally did not react this way to him, but because of the shortage of food she had a wicked temper and had all of her attention looking for any sign of life besides their own movements and when he did this act of love it would distract her and make her lose concentration. But had there been food the she-wolf would have decided on a mate and the pack would grow large and successful, but nature did not intend it to be that easy. They were very lean with rib pinching hunger, and each one ran below their ordinary speed. at the rear the limped along the weak, the very young and the very old. At the front ran the strongest, yet all were like skeletons rather than wolves. Nevertheless they ran on with out any loss of stamina.

They ran many miles that day,through the night and by next morning they found themselves still running. Then with out any warning the large male stopped in is tracks which caused some commotion in the ranks some ran in to other and some growls were heard but they all went silent when the male rose to his full height, his ears were twitching trying to catch what he was sure he heard. " What is it Arctic ?" Questioned the she-wolf with a whimper she was beginning to feel the cold creeping through her paws and wanted to get a move on. " Can't you hear that, Moon ! the sounds of hoof beats and grunting elk !" All of the pack raised their heads, and listen intently, Moon was the first to hear it the steady rise and falls of hoofs out in the distance. She turned her head toward her pack everyone looked back at her and they all knew what this meant, food !
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Location : Mostly Moderating the Pack Site, or hovering aorund WQ Forums

Storm Alarm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 05, 2009 11:15 am

Nice, Alkara! Incredibly long, yes, but still very good. I loved how you described everything =)
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Location : Canada, where the Epic moose live!

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PostSubject: Re: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 05, 2009 6:38 pm

Thanks so much ^^

I will add the next chapter soon, cause it is already written xD
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Location : Canada, where the Epic moose live!

Storm Alarm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 12, 2009 3:51 pm

Chapter two:Calm before the Hunt

Along with all of the pack the young male as well lifted his ears to the wind, but all he could hear was the wind blowing through the empty dead tree trunks. He stood perfectly still almost like a statue, the wind ruffled through his pelt sending chills up his spine. He strained trying with all his senses to located the elk,it almost seemed lost to him when across the wind it came, the smell of the elk, the smell of meat and the smell of life ! He was over joyed, he turned his head to gaze at Moon.
"Come here Moon" he barked " I can smell the elk from here !".
Moon slowly shifted her head to face him
"Are you sure Bear that it is the Elk or some rabbit ?" she asked with a smile on her face for she knew that he was one of the best Trackers and hunters of the pack. Bear laughed into the ice cold air which turned to mist as it left his mouth.
" Nah, i am pretty certain that this is elk. Have I ever been wrong to you about something like this before ?" He replied with a open mouthed grin showing his pearl white dagger like teeth.

By now she was by his side, even though she was a large wolf and almost a year older than he, Bear was larger than her by far and he was still growing. He was just as large as Arctic whom was waiting for Moon's command over to the side with the rest of the pack.Moon chuckled as she stood next to Bear " Well sense you seem to have the scent and all of us are starting to get cold, why don't you lead on" Bear looked at her bright golden eyes and nodded.

Arctic who was listening in on the whole conversation growled to himself. "Why did I not get the chance to lead, it was I who first heard the elk not him ! " he whispered to himself. SongHeart one of the packs betas ran up to Arctic " Oh don't beat your self up Arctic ! This is a good thing ! You were the one who told us of the Elk" she whimpered "Come on look at the bright side of it, this is a break for you and Moon both of you have been leading this whole time, so calm down !" she yelped as she kicked snow into his face " Come on grouch ! get up and enjoy this !" she barked as she playfully ran off and romped with the others. Arctic gazed after her, she was a very beautiful and loving wolf, she always put everyone first before herself. Arctic admired her for it he secretly like her as well, but he tried with all his might not to show it.

Bear and Moon trotted over to where the pack was bear stood and gazed at each one of them individually, all were hungry and from the look in there eyes he could tell that they were excited and rearing to go. Bear rose up to his full height and raised his head. From his open mouth came a howl, the most beautiful noise that any animal could make. He sung of the packs hunger and of the hunt that awaited them, The pack joined in and raised their voices to match his, the sound bounced off of the mountains that rose all around them along with the trees. All of the animals that inhabited this area heard the song and feared it, for it meant that wolves were in the valley and that they were hungry. Far in the distance the Elk herd perked up their ears, they heard the song as well and quicken their pace for they knew that the song was meant for them.

Bear ended his noted and with a sense of satisfaction leaped forward and started the run, the pack stopped their singing as well and galloped forward after him. The hunt has now began !
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PostSubject: Re: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 4:48 pm

Wonderful story! You have a lot of detail in it, and I loved reading it! ^_^
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Location : Canada, where the Epic moose live!

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PostSubject: Re: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 19, 2009 8:08 pm

Why thanks! ^^

I will go get the next part some time.
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PostSubject: Re: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 8:14 am

I can't wait for it xD Surprised
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Location : Canada, where the Epic moose live!

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PostSubject: Re: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 20, 2009 3:21 pm

Well here you are!

Chapter Two: The calm before the hunt, part 2

The pack ran non-stop, all with excitement and determination coursing through out their lean figures. About two miles later they came upon what they were seeking, the elk herd. Moon gazed out upon them, there were so many of them! But the wolves had the advantage, they were up-wind from the herd and they still have not been spotted by the elk, yet. Bear slowly walked up to her post and stood with her admiring the mass and bulk of the beasts that grazed before them. Moon turned around and trotted back to the pack, leaving Bear standing there.

“So, how does it look Moon?” yipped Arctic “Do you think that we have a chance at catching anything?” added in SongHeart. Moon turned her gaze and looked at both of them with a smile “It looks great! I could see and smell many weak and sick bulls and cows!” barked Moon. The whole pack let out a sigh, new hope filling up in side of them. Moon continued to look at Arctic and SongHeart, they were both lying down very close to each other, and they both seemed quite content. Moon then casted her gaze on Angel, Angel lifted her snow white head up and gave nod to Moon in respect. Moon gave a nod back, she always remembers all of the tough times that they have been through together, along with the good times as well.

Moon slowly shifted her eyes to land on Luna. Luna was staring out in to the distance, the wind danced around her, making her reddish-brown pelt carelessly flow dancing along with it. Moon remembered the day that they found her, she was very weak, alone, and hungry. But she did not want any help from anyone, when ever Moon tired to approach her she would raise her head and let loose a growl that was full of hatred and pain. Angel was the only one that could get close to her enough to calm her down and show that we meant her no harm. Those two have been almost together all the time sense. Luna is now a respected hunter and fighter of this pack, and she gets along well with everyone from time to time now. Last but certainly not least Moon rested her golden eyes on the sassy Pepper.

Pepper’s brown forehead was furrowed in thought when Moon looked at her, one of her many talented was planning, and she was the wonder that came up with the hunting strategies that seemed to never fail. Moon smiled at her, and in return she got back a quick simile before Pepper was lost in thought again. Moon let out a sigh of her own, she was very pleased with her pack but she almost forgot about one member. Bear came trotting over the rise, his goldish brown fur gleaming in the sun. “The wind is starting to change, if we wait here any longer the elk will be sure to smell us.” He said calmly as he came to stand in front of her.

Moon gave him a nod and then turned to face her pack she let out a bark “Today my pack we shall dine!” The pack yipped and barked their excitement, soon though to be hushed by more words coming forth from her mouth. “Yes I know that we are hungry, I can see it when I look at you. But I expect everyone to try with all that they have to make this hunt as successful as possible.” She barked. Everyone jumped up and down yipping “Yes we will try!” Then Angel and Luna walked to the front of the pack. “Quiet down everyone!” yelled Luna. The pack fell silent “Good” Luna barked “Thank you Luna, now I am quite certain that Pepper might have a plan for this hunt” pronounced Angel. Pepper walked up to the two “Yes I do as a matter of fact!” The pack started to gather around her “Thanks you two” Pepper replied with a smirk. “Alright everyone, now here is my plan”.
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Storm Alarm Empty
PostSubject: Re: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitimeThu Sep 24, 2009 3:09 pm

Veyr nice, Alkara!
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PostSubject: Re: Storm Alarm   Storm Alarm I_icon_minitime

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