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 all about Alkara

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PostSubject: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 22, 2009 9:44 pm

Name- Alkara

Gender- female

Age- 3

Picture*- see signature and avatar.

Reference or Description- Alkara's main color is white it occupies little of her body though. She has a black streak that runs from the top of her head (in between her ears) down till the tip of her long tail. She has a light gray hue that runs along the black stripe on ether side from the same starting point and the end. She also has gray slender paws, that hold her deadly claws that are quite large for a normal wolf. She also has black outlining her gray paws, and the light gray is outlining the black. A little farther up her legs there are patches of black, with a light gray hue to surround it.

Her eyes are a light almost metallic blue. They shine with curiosity and wisdom, from her many years in the wild. They are not to big but rather a good size. They are beautiful and many wolves have complemented on her eyes. But you best fear her if she gets angered, for then they burn with a hot blue fire.

Her pelt grows rather long in the winter, which is Alkara's perfered season. It does grow to a good length but not to long that its a pain. In summer it sheds swiftly and easily reveling her beautiful coat just in time to be able to impress the males.

She walks with grace and speed, her moves are fluent and appealing but she moves with a speed that you would not expect. Her long and slender legs help with this.

Her voice is that of a angel, or so it is called. she speaks with a femine voice that seems to be beyond her years. She likes to be funny and open about everything, which her voice helps to accomplish. Her voice is very soothing but it will get rough and harsh if she gets angered, you would think that it was some one different talking if you didn't know better.

Her body size is slender but strong. She had a small chest and torso but her legs make up the rest of her body. They are long slender and powerful, and she fancy them over her other body parts. Her ears are always perked up and she is always listening for any sounds that could prove deadly or beneficial to her pack. She does not have a great sense of smell but it has become better over the years. she can now identify by scent where the sick and injured prey are at.

Alkara was born in a litter of three to her parents Rockfall her big father and her caring and sweet mother Rekanna. She was the only daughter of her parents. Her two brothers, Minnek and Taxin, were her best friends and her victims in play fights. Not one could over power her, which made her the lead pup right from birth. She was a aggressive little girl, always playing with the boys of her pack rather than the girls.

She became very independent by the age of one, and that was when she met Durnal. She fancied this big and muscular yearling and dreamed through most of her days of him and what it would be like to raise a pack with him. Even though she barely played with her brothers any more she was still the lead yearling now. Her parents were very happy about this and proud, but soon their happiness became fear.

Alkara was already pretty strong and big and her parents saw the way her and Durnal got along, they feared that when she turned two that she and Durnal would try and take over the pack. Alkara did not know of their plans, and she continued to live normally with her pack and Durnal. It wasn't till the day of her second year in this world that she realized something was wrong. Her parents growled and spat at her, they separated her from Durnal and bit her repeatably. She did not want to fight back because it was her parents afterall and she still loved them. Her father bit down hard on her rump and dragged her out of their territory, he left her alone and defeated in a clearing in the dark woods.

She stayed there for two days, trying to think about what had caused her parents to do this. She never really came up with an answer, but she did leave the clearing due to hunger. She was a very good huntress that was known but there was no large game that she could bring down by herself, so she fed off of the many small prey that she could catch. She never fully filled out on her food but she never went hungry.

She was out roaming the woods on her normal route where she found another wolf, a female. She came to know this wolf as Ren, Alkara liked her a lot and appreciated her time with her. Ren was always rearing to go to different lands and make her own pack, but Alkara could not leave just yet. She let Ren leave, she thought of the beautiful she-wolf for days. Alkara continued to go back on the borders of her old packs territory and just look. She could never forget her love Durnal, and she wanted to find him.

One day when Alkara was out looking at her parents territory a wolf came, her brother Minnek. He did not change much but now he was known as lead warrior and he was a big and handsome male. He greeted her with kindness and respect he would never forget the days of his childhood. She asked him of Durnal but she was answered by a look of sadness. Minnek told her that he ran away soon after she was banished, and they have not heard from him in years. Alkara felt like a part of her died, she thanked her brother and then ran back to the woods.

She curled up on the ground and wept, she was terribly sad that he was gone and that he could be many days or weeks away from where she was. But this gave her hope, maybe she would be able to find him. She left her place that she had grown close to and headed out in the direction that Ren had taken two years ago. She kept up her trail and caught what she needed only when she was hungry enough. She traveled very far but she never met another wolf or seen any trace of Durnal or Ren.

She walked many days before coming across another wolf packs territory, she sniffed the scent marks and thought that this might be the pack for her. She stood by the border not daring to cross, she howl many a time a greeting and waited. She hopes that this will be the pack for her.
Personality-Alkara is a very bold wolf, she is smart as well but not that great of a thinker. Her history has helped to shape who she is today. She has learned to see the better things in life rather than the bad, and she trys to learn from them. She is almost always smiling because she never sees the reason to do other wise, unless it was a major thing that happened.

She trys to be as friendly as possible and is always willing to be popular among her friends. she can be very talkative, but she has learned to not talk when important things are under way. If you ever wanted to know how her mood is you could always look at her face, which always gives away how she is really feeling. She could try to hide it from you by smiling but you will be able to see through that. She is not hard to read whatso ever.

She likes to be alone sometimes, going on a stroll in the morning air is the kinda stuff she does sometimes to be alone. She does love being around others very much but from being a loner for two years kinda does things to you. overrall she is a great wolf to have around.

Strengths- she is strong, swift, and has good endurance. Very friendly which helps calms some.

talks to much sometimes, doesn't fight unless told to. To friendly sometimes.

Best Friends in the Pack*
-Rilak, Firestar, Theory and whoever wants to be her friend!

Last edited by Alkara on Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:15 pm; edited 5 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 24, 2009 6:56 pm

Wow, that's long lol. But nice ref picture. I'll be a BFF =D
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 12:35 pm

Alkara Has a BFF!!

Awesome I will add you up =D
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 25, 2009 7:09 pm

Glad I could be of service =D
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 26, 2009 11:28 pm

haha =D

I hope that she gets more friends though, she is really nice! xD
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 3:04 pm

I hear you asking Firestar =D Hope you become popular in the Pack, haha.
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 28, 2009 3:08 pm

oh you saw that eh? haha

I hope so too, it will make my life complete xD
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 29, 2009 1:27 pm

Haha, the only thing making MY life complete (besides WolfQuest) would be a nice ranch with my family, 3 (well-trained xD) dogs, and 2-5 horses. As well as Lucas Till and Taylor Lautner as ranch hands =D
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 30, 2009 5:04 pm

mmmm you picked the perfect guys, to bad i kidnapped them with my friend.
along with all of the hot guys of our dreams =D

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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 12:14 pm

You mean you kidnapped them with ME. After all, I am your friend. Therefore, I still get them. If you still want one, take Lucas. But Tay-tay is all MINE.
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 2:59 pm

mm deal!
You can come along with my other friend, my real life friend xD

But Lucas is totally mine, i love that boy!
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 3:30 pm

Agreement- you can work with me and you get Lucas. I get Taylor. Ok? Okay xD
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 6:14 pm

This is a perfect idea, we shall get them right where we want them!
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 01, 2009 6:16 pm

xD hm... did anyone ever think about mates in the pack o.o ??? just curious
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 10:07 am

Ahahahha.. That's a pretty long history xD

Are you going to make a story out of it?
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 27, 2009 5:13 pm

hmm i have been thinking about it, honestly it could be one
maybe i guess
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PostSubject: Re: all about Alkara   all about Alkara I_icon_minitimeMon Sep 28, 2009 5:11 pm

Theory wrote:
xD hm... did anyone ever think about mates in the pack o.o ??? just curious

Yeah. I did. I think it's okay, as long as people don't go overboard wit hthe whol 'OMG I'M HIS/HER MATE!!!!!!!' thing.

And NO PUPS. You can add a Tyro to your little clique, but don't call them pups. :3
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